
How do I Keep My Wig From Tangling at the Nape?

Care Tools

A common gripe with wig-wearing is tangling! We’ll share some tips to help you avoid a knotty mess with your new do.

The most important tip is to ensure you’re using the proper care and styling products / tools. Shampoos and conditioners formulated for the fiber of your wig ensure it gets what it needs to remain clean, but without drying it out or creating excess product build-up. For synthetic wigs, using a wide tooth comb and detangling spray reduce tension on the fiber and helps to prevent it from frizzing which usually always leads to tangling.

Grooming & Storage

Next, check your wig often for tangles so that they don’t get out of control. Always comb the hair starting at the ends and work your way up to the roots, being extra gentle at the nape where the fiber tends to tangle the most.

Finally, store your wig properly when you aren’t wearing it. Comb it out before you place it on a wig stand at the end of the day. If you’re packing a wig for a trip, pop it in a travel bag designed for wigs like the ResQ Bag Mini.
Wigs tangle at the nape, especially longer styles, but with a little bit of extra care and attention, you’ll be able to manage tangles a lot easier. We hope you found these tips helpful!

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