Hair extension can help you get a long and beautiful hair , it will enhance your personal charm ,but when you decide to order hair weft you don’t know the closure and frontal which one is better for you ?so please read below hair guide to know which one is you want ?
Firstly ,you need to know them different :
The lace closure have regular closure and silk base closure , the frontal just have regular frontal .the lace size is different , closure usually have 4*4 lace size , 5*5 lace size , frontal usually have 13*4 lace size and 13*6 lace size .so most obvious different is lace size .
Second , them put site is different .
The closure tend to sit in the middle of the head or on the side for a part look ,but frontal installed will go from ear to eat .which gives greater coverage.
Third , them base material -silk and lace .
Closure material have lace and silk ,when you choose silk closure and installed it after , silk base will look like more natural like yourself natural scalp (if you parting is made the closure ), on the other hand ,the lace closure and frontal due to the base material have the advantage of the laying much flatter then the silk base closure and can be blend better with scalp.
4th, what best way to install your closure or frontal ?
Closure and frontal look best when they have been plucked to mimic yourself natural get the most from closure and frontal , we recommend you need bleaching knots when you ready to installed hair extension .bleached knots will help you get more natural scalp.
5th, which one is you better for you ?
Finally the decision is depend on the look your want to achieve and the preference of versatility you want . closures are most appropriate lower cost and just need everyday simple look . and frontal are appropriate want all kinds of hairstyles woman .
As well as weave both can be made into wigs .